Unpacking this standard, I found the following I CAN statements.
- I can write a FACT FAMILY using multiplication and division.
- I can label the positions in a FACT FAMILY.
- I can identify the PARTS and WHOLE of an equation.
- I can use an array to show related facts.
- I can identify symbols used for missing numbers.
- I can find the missing number in an equation using the FACT FAMILY.
- I can write an equation (number sentence) to match a word problem.
- I can write a story problem to match a fact family.
The familiar FACT FAMILIES are the backbone of this standard. However, some 3rd grade students will need support to understand the vocabulary of the standard. Jenn at Finally in First offers an engaging activity with pictures of family members labeled with sticky note numbers to help students develop the meanings of "relate" to "relative" to "relation."
Using this as a jumping off point, I made a graphic to illustrate the connection between operations and size of units.
This flash resource from Teacher Network (requires log-in with FREE registration) is part of a downloadable lesson packet that can be used with a projection device to practice creating multiplication and division equations with a set of numbers. Simply insert the three numbers and drag the circles to the proper position within the equation blanks.
Update: 8.4.2012
I found a set of multiplication strategy posters at the math learning center.
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