Wednesday, June 27, 2012

3.OA.1 Misconception Diagnostic Questions

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My journey today: Where can I find a list of misconceptions and matching diagnostic questions for multiplication and division errors?

It seems that to teach in a way that avoid pupils creating any misconceptions … is not possible, and that we have to accept that pupils will make some generalisations that are not correct and many of these misconceptions will remain hidden unless the teacher makes specific efforts to uncover them. - (Askew, M and Wiliam, D 1995)
Note: If you Google search for math misconceptions, you'll see Askew and William repeatedly!)

The following are the BEST of found resources:
New York Question Samples included reasons and described errors.



"Those that are burdened to believe in the impossible need to get out of the way of those that are breathing reality into exceptions!"---V. S. Bell

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